The Decarbonization Observatory (EMME-DO) is built around the integration of research and flagship activities in WP2-WP3 into a new platform that is designed to be regularly updated, and provide key information and resources to users, including:

  1. Online presentation of multiple services from CARE-C regarding advice, support and training for the acquisition, installation and operation of atmospheric instrumentation dedicated to the monitoring of emissions of greenhouse gases and co-emitted pollutants, in collaboration to the Training hub of WP1 (see link here). 
  1. Online access to recent greenhouse gas and co-emitted pollutants atmospheric observations performed and collected by the CyI – CARE-C for use in monitoring trends and regional patterns of emissions in the region (on-line GHG data here and site information here).   
  1. An interactive dashboard allowing to compare national greenhouse gas inventory reports with other bottom-up inventories established by the scientific community and various international organizations, with a focus on the emissions of methane from the oil and gas sector, which is a key and growing component of national emissions in the EMME region and can be observed with satellites over areas of intense emissions. (link here)