Educational visits at the University of Crete, within the framework of the Edu4Climate project
The Department of Chemistry at the University of Crete, partner of the Edu4Climate project, organised a number of school visits during March 2024. More specifically, several school visits took place at the Finokalia station and the pupils had the chance to interact with scientists and get informed about climate change, air pollution and their interactions.
The Finokalia atmospheric monitoring station is operated by the Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory (ECPL) of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Crete since 1993. The station is representative for the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere and has attracted strong scientific attention in the fields of atmospheric composition, air quality and climate change. It also reports to authorities as the regional background station for Greece.
Visits in the frame of the national EDU4clima and the Erasmus+ Climademy projects, created synergies with the Edu4climate project, maximizing the impact of the educational visits and the visibility of the aims and scopes of the project.
The project Edu4Climate received funding of €2 million from the European Commission’s Horizon Europe “European Excellence Initiative” (EEI) programme under agreement 101071247, to lead capacity-building actions in Cyprus and Greece, the strengthening of their Higher Education European networks and their cooperation with a specific focus on the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME).