Author: pancyber

PhD students on Edu4Climate project – Roubina Papaconstantinou

Student name: Roubina Papaconstantinou

Short bio: Roubina Papaconstantinou started pursuing her PhD in Energy, Environment and Atmospheric Sciences in October 2020. She joined CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute in December 2019 as a Research Assistant in Aerosol Science and Technology. She holds a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cyprus (2018) and an MSc in Engineering Materials from the University of Southampton (2019).

PhD year of study: 4th year

PhD supervision: Prof George Biskos

PhD institution: The Cyprus Institute

Thesis title and description: “Performance Evaluation and Development of Cost-Effective Sensor Platforms for Air Quality Monitoring, Localization and Quantification of Emissions”

This research aims to assess the capability of a UAV-based system to detect and geo-localize accurately CH₄ sources. Thanks to further fusion/processing of the multi-sensor data with a Gaussian dispersion model, the solution is not only limited to the high-resolution 3D mapping of atmospheric concentrations of CH₄ (expressed in ppb) but can also calculate accurately CH₄ emissions in the atmosphere (expressed in kg/h) and therefore fulfil regulation requirements (which concern emissions and not concentrations).

Relevance of Edu4Climate to your project: The objectives of this research align well with Edu4Climate’s aim to address challenges related to air pollution and climate change in the EMME. Methane (CH₄) is the second most significant anthropogenic greenhouse gas. Reducing CH₄ emissions is essential to mitigate climate change. The potential for CH₄ emissions mitigation is closely linked to improvements at individual sites, including industrial sites (natural gas), landfills, and farms. Therefore, the reliability of tools to identify and monitor emissions at the site level is crucial. The findings significantly contribute to understanding the dispersion of CH₄ emissions and improving quantification methodologies. Ultimately, this work will inform strategies to reduce site-level methane emissions and mitigate climate change.

PhD students on Edu4Climate project – Nikos Gialesakis

Student name: Nikos Gialesakis

Short bio: Nikos Gialesakis graduated from the University of Crete, Department of Chemistry where he also obtained his master’s. He conducted his research thesis “Interannual and seasonal variability of greenhouse gases at Finokalia station in the Eastern Mediterranean” at the Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory. Since then, he has been part of a joint PhD between the University of Crete and the University of Bremen.

PhD year of study: 2nd year

PhD supervision: Professor Maria Kanakidou (University of Crete) and Professor Mihalis Vrekoussis (University of Bremen).

PhD institution: University of Crete, Department of Chemistry, Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory (ECPL) and University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics, Laboratory for Modeling and Observation of the Earth System (LAMOS)

Thesis title and description: “Study of the sources of greenhouse gases in the east Mediterranean using a 3D data assimilation system”

The aim of our study is to optimize the bottom-up anthropogenic emission estimations of greenhouse gases over Greece. We provide the estimated emissions to an atmospheric model (WRF-CHEM-GHG) which are being optimized by assimilating in-situ and satellite observation, using a data assimilation system (CTDAS). The coupled system compares the simulated results with observation data and tries to minimize their differences by optimizing the anthropogenic emissions, resulting in more accurate emissions.

Relevance of Edu4Climate to your project: Greece is part of the EMME which is identified as a critical area impacted by climate change. By providing more accurate emission estimates we can better understand the impact of human activities on the region and develop effective strategies to mitigate their effects and to achieve the Paris agreement objectives, which align with the Edu4Climate objective to address climate change and air pollution related challenges in the region.

PhD students on Edu4Climate project – Siqing Xu

Student name: Siqing Xu

Short bio: Siqing Xu received her bachelor degree of geoscience in 2019 from Central South University (China), master’s degree of environmental science in 2022 from Fudan University (China), and now is a joint PhD student between the Cyprus Institute and University Paris-Saclay since December 2022.

PhD year of study: 2nd year

PhD supervision: Prof. Jean Sciare (CyI), Prof. Jos Lelieveld (CyI), Dr Yves Balkanski (LSCE, Gif/Yvette, France)

PhD Institution: Cyprus Institute and University Paris-Saclay

Thesis title and description: “Vegetation – Dust Cycle Feedback in IPSL Earth System Models”

In semi-arid regions, grasslands with lower density tend to have more bare soil, which provides the basis for dust emission. Our work focuses on simulating dynamic grass density and coupling vegetation with dust emission in Earth System Model.

Relevance of Edu4Climate to your project: Simulating dust emission is an important part in this PhD work and Edu4Climate supports the subject of dust emission especially in (semi-) arid regions.

PhD students on Edu4Climate project – Anna Zenonos

Student name: Anna Zenonos

Short bio: Anna Zenonos has obtained her BSc in Applied Mathematics from the University of Cyprus in 2021,  and she continued her studies obtaining an MSc in Applied Mathematics, with specialization in Plasma Physics, from KU Leuven, Belgium, in 2023. She is currently pursuing her PhD, a joint doctorate, between the Cyprus Institute (CyI) and Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement -LSCE at University Paris-Saclay.

PhD year of study: 1st year

PhD supervision: Professor Jean Sciare (CyI) and Professor Philippe Ciais (LSCE, University Paris-Saclay).

 PhD Institution: The Cyprus Institute and Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement-LSCE at University Paris-Saclay.

Thesis title and description: “Development of the first national airborne tree inventory for Cyprus and the estimation of tree carbon stock and carbon emissions of buildings over Cyprus”.

The study aims in the creation of a monitoring system of tree resources using state-of-art methods, something that is currently missing for Cyprus. In addition, the estimation of carbon stock of trees and carbon emissions of buildings will assist in the construction of effective strategies aiming to the reduction of carbon emissions and finally, to the achievement of carbon neutrality.

Relevance of Edu4Climate to your project: The study’s aims align with the “Fit for 55” plan that refers to the target of the European Union for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030​.  Moreover, the development of a forest monitoring system contributes to the Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) greenhouse inventory by covering a significant gap in knowledge for Cyprus. Therefore, the results of this research will contribute to addressing challenges related to air pollution and climate change in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region, one of the main objectives of the Edu4Climate project.

New research campaign within the context of the Edu4Climate project

Research scientists of CARE-C at the Cyprus Institute, in collaboration with representatives of RAYMETRICS, partners of the Edu4Climate Horizon project (coordinated by CARE-C), have completed a new research campaign, as part of the Edu4Climate’s objective to co-develop innovative environmental products and services with surrounding ecosystems, in order to address climate-relevant challenges across the EMME region. The campaign took place on 8-31 May, 2024.

A CARE-C team, led by Associate Research Scientist, Dr Maria Kezoudi,  and members of the Cyprus Atmospheric Observatory (CAO) and the Unmanned Systems Research Laboratory (USRL) facilities of the Centre, collected data using sensors on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), which were flown at air pollution hotspots in Cyprus. This data will be used to validate new, advanced PMeye lidar technology, which will then be utilised to enhance the accurate measurement of emissions in real-world environmental monitoring scenarios, such as ship plumes and emissions from power plants.

The campaign was organised within the context of the Edu4Climate Horizon programme. The Edu4Climate Consortium received funding of €2 million from the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Coordination & Support Action (CSA) “European Excellence Initiative” (EEI) programme (under grant agreement no. 101071247) for the establishment of a European Higher Education Institutions Network for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or REA. Neither the European Union, nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Autumn School: Drones & Sensors in Atmospheric Sciences 11 – 15 November 2024

The Center of Excellence for Climate and Atmosphere Research (CARE-C) of the Cyprus Institute is organizing the Autumn School on “Drones & sensors in Atmospheric sciences” on 11 Nov–15 Nov, 2024. The course will be held at the Cyprus Institute campus in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Participants will be offered theoretical training (lectures), site visits (drone workshop, instrumentation lab, drone runway, scientific drone flights), hands-on technical operation of the sensors in the lab, and hands-on computer-based data processing. Short presentations (PowerPoint + oral) will also be made by the participants at the end of the school. Participants will be distributed into small groups of 4-5 trainees; each group being supported by a team of two Faculty/Researchers.

Workshop: Innovation in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 27 June, 2024

The Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) of the Cyprus Institute  and three EU RIs working in the Atmospheric Measurements remit, namely ACTRIS, ICOS and IAGOS, with the support of the EMME-CARE, Edu4Climate and ENVRINNOV Horizon programmes, are organising the annual online workshop on Innovation in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. The event will take place on 27 June, 2024.

Through a full day of sessions and talks, this workshop will bring together atmospheric science communities to discuss the latest innovations in atmospheric measurement techniques. Participants can expect to find out about new technologies, products, services, and instrumentation and access visibility of opportunities for R&D collaborations.

Successful completion of the 3rd Annual Online Workshop on Climate and Atmosphere R&I in the Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East

On Tuesday, 7th of November 2023, the 3rd Annual Online Workshop on Climate and Atmosphere Research and Innovation in the Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East, organised by CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute, was successfully concluded.

This one-day online event brought together the international scientific community in order to discuss the latest innovations and exchange knowledge on the science of climate change and air pollution, as well as to highlight related challenges, impacts and potential solutions for the EMME region. The workshop also provided a great opportunity for networking and enhancing regional collaboration and national capacities for addressing the climate crisis.

Prof Charbel Afif, a professor at Saint Joseph University in Lebanon and an adjunct professor at the Cyprus Institute gave the introductory speech welcoming all the participants at the workshop. His opening speech was followed by 22 oral (including 3 keynote speakers) and 34 VPICO presentations delivered by representatives of universities, research institutions and private companies, actively engaged in the topics of air pollution and research innovations related on climate change.

More than 340 scientists, researchers, students and industry professionals in the area of research & innovation on climate change and air pollution in the EMME region, registered and participated at the workshop, from over 50 countries.

The workshop was organized within the framework of the H2020 Teaming Project EMME-CARE (, and the Horizon Europe project Edu4Climate (  The workshop organization was led by CARE-C, The Cyprus Institute, with the contribution of the EMME-CARE Advanced Partners and the Edu4Climate Consortium partners.

For more information about the outcomes of the workshop can be found in the link below:

Autumn School 2023 ‘Atmospheric Measurements Using Miniaturised Sensors and Drones’ successfully concluded

The 2nd Autumn School, organised by CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute, entitled ‘Atmospheric Measurements Using Miniaturised Sensors and Drones’, held from 30 Oct-3 Nov, 2023, has successfully been concluded!

The week-long course took place at the Cyprus Institute’s premises in Nicosia, Cyprus and it was attended by 13 students from 10 different countries including Lebanon, Finland, the UK, India, Belgium and other.

The main focus of this year’s autumn school was both practical and theoretical approaches in miniaturised sensors and drone technologies and it included short lectures as well as a field trip to Orounda airfield where students had the opportunity to participate in drone test flights and collect data that were further analysed and reported. The aim of the course was to teach the students the whole cycle of scientific field work, from how to design measurements, collect data, analyse data to publishing a report of the experimental work and data.

This Autumn School was organized within the framework of the H2020 Teaming Project EMME-CARE (, and the Horizon Europe project Edu4Climate (  Course organization was led by CARE-C, The Cyprus Institute, with the contribution of the EMME-CARE Advanced Partners and the Edu4Climate Consortium partners.

2nd partner meeting of the Edu4Climate consortium

The 2nd partner meeting of the Edu4Climate project, coordinated by CARE-C of the Cyprus Institute, took place on 27 October, 2023, at the University of Crete, in Greece. The project partners came together to discuss the progress of the project so far, as well as next steps.

The Edu4Climate project aims to engage its European Partners in order to strengthen and align their respective Educational and Training programs in Climate and Atmosphere science, establish new impact-oriented Research Infrastructures on decarbonization and atmospheric model prediction, and co-develop innovative environmental products and services with their respective surrounding ecosystems to address climate-relevant challenges across the EMME region. Edu4ClimAte will enhance local, regional, and international clusters led by its consortium to build the foundations for an inclusive European Universities Alliance in Climate & Atmospheric Sciences to support the EU Green Deal ambition and its regional challenges, as well as train and educate the next generation of researchers and innovators to achieve the EU long-term 2050 climate-neutrality objectives.

The project Edu4Climate received funding of €2 million from the European Commission’s Horizon Europe “European Excellence Initiative” (EEI) programme under agreement 101071247, to lead capacity-building actions in Cyprus and Greece, the strengthening of their Higher Education European networks and their cooperation with a specific focus on the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME).