Author: pancyber

University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)

University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) is a leading multidisciplinary higher education and research institution. The quality of UVSQ’s undergraduate and graduate programs (master’s programs, doctorates, post-doctoral fellowships) is backed by the compelling research programs conducted in UVSQ research centers and laboratories.

UVSQ is a medium size university (20 000 students) located in the Southwestern suburb of Paris, where internationally known businesses are established (such as Renault, PSA, Dassault…) as well as renowned French research institutes (CNRS, INRA, CEA…).

Spread over 5 campuses with 19,000 students, UVSQ offers more than 200 disciplinary programs which allow it to welcome international students interested in studying in France for a semester, an academic year, or the full duration of a degree program. UVSQ faculties offer academic and professionally-focused undergraduate and graduate programs in many fields of study.

UVSQ ranks 12th in the French university of the 2019 World University ranking THE and 2nd in the 2018 Shanghai ranking in Atmospheric Sciences. Its excellence as a research university is assured by its 39 laboratories and research institutions and is locally, nationally and internationally recognized as a source of expertise and resources. Heritage, materials, climate, environment, space science, public health, epidemiology, and disability are all fields in which UVSQ has become a major player, both within research networks and beyond. 

These laboratories foster innovative, cross-disciplinary research that anticipates societal concerns, informs citizens and advice decision-makers.

Panepistimio Kritis (UOC)

Established in 1973, the University of Crete is a young public educational institution committed to excellence in research and teaching. The seat of the University is the Gallos Campus in Rethymnon, where the Schools of Philosophy, Education, Social, Economic & Political Sciences are located. The Voutes Campus in Heraklion is home to the School of Sciences & Technology and the School of Medicine, as well as a number of affiliated research-oriented infrastructures and facilities, including the University General Hospital.
The University accepted its first students in 1977-78. Currently, over 18,000 undergraduates and 3000 postgraduate students are registered here. They are educated by an outward-looking academic faculty of around 450 members, supported by adjunct lecturers, post-doctoral researchers, laboratory staff and instructors, as well as around 300 technical and administrative staff.
The international orientation of the University is reflected in its track record of collaborations with many of the leading research and educational institutions in Europe and worldwide, as well as active promotion of mobility and exchange programmes. Research and research training at all levels benefits also from the de facto regional cluster of research institutions i.e. the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology & Aquaculture (IMBBC), the University General Hospital (PagNi) as well as the other HEIs in Crete.
Reflecting its research activity and associated initiatives, the University of Crete is the first Greek University to have signed the EU Charter and the Code for the recruitment of researchers, and forms part of the Euraxess European network for the mobility of researchers. The University fully participates in quality assurance mechanisms both for its academic and administrative structures, and it is a strategic choice of the University that there will be an ongoing effort to meet quality in all its structures.
Located on the island of Crete, a site rich in ancient and modern Mediterranean cultures, the University offers a vibrant social and intellectual environment for research and education. As such, whether your contact with the University is brief or long-term, we trust it will be rewarding.

The Cyprus Institute

The Cyprus Institute (CyI) is a world-class, non-profit research and educational institution with a strong scientific and technological orientation. It is a regional Center of Excellence, addressing issues of regional interest but of global significance, with an emphasis on cross-disciplinary research and international collaborations. CyI is being developed as an international science and technology organization to strengthen the research community of Cyprus and to help transform its economy to a knowledge-based economy.

Recognizing the unique geopolitical location of Cyprus, the Institute aspires to serve as a European Union (EU) gateway to research and technology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region and in this way, advance peace and prosperity and promote the cooperation among the people of the EMME region for the betterment of their future.

The Institute operates under the aegis of the Cyprus Research and Educational Foundation (CREF), which is governed by an acclaimed Board of Trustees, comprised of leading personalities of the international academic, political and business world.

CARE-C was founded at the Cyprus Institute in January 2020 through competitive funding secured from the European Commission and the Cyprus Government, in the framework of the European Commission Horizon-2020-TEAMING project “EMME-CARE” (Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre; Grant no. 856612).

Capitalizing on a pre-existing-for-ten-years Research-Division, The Cyprus Institute established the “Center of Excellence” in Climate and Atmosphere research for the EMME region in cooperation with EU Advanced Partners: The Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz in Germany, the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) in France, and the University of Helsinki (UHEL) in Finland.

CARE-C works in close collaboration with its advanced partners as well as many national institutions and organizations in Cyprus and the region. The Center’s work focuses on environmental and climate change research and the creation of sustainable solutions to address relevant societal challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region, which has been identified as a climate change “hotspot”. Research undertaken under CARE-C’s areas of focus is impact and sustainability driven, and has also been embedded at policy-making level through strong collaborations with the Departments and Units of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Health, as well as the Research & Innovation Foundation, which is the national funding agency in Cyprus for R&I and the host of National Contact Points.

CARE-C is mainly focused on three key areas of activity:

  • Science and Research on Climate Change and Air Pollution over the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (EMME) region.
  • Innovation on early warning systems for dust storm and extreme weather events, new cost-effective atmospheric sensors, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in meteorology and air quality, regional carbon footprint and air quality forecasting.
  • Education and Training on Meteorology and atmospheric sciences (MSc and PhD), climate change and weather forecasting (trainings), hands-on practice on atmospheric instrumentation and knowledge exploitation and transfer.

The Centre operates four Research Departments:

  1. Environmental Observations conducting continuous long-term measurements of atmospheric composition, related environmental parameters and trends, and analysis of atmospheric loads and interactions of gaseous and aerosol pollutants in urban and remote regions of the EMME to further our understanding of the changing regional environment.
  2. Environmental Predictions, dedicated to the study of the role of anthropogenic emissions in biogeochemical cycles, air quality and climate change with a focus on the EMME region
  3. Impact and Policy, dedicated to pursuing multi- and cross-disciplinary research on societal challenges needing regional and local solutions.
  4. Environmental Technologies, identifying attractive commercial research applications that contribute to sustainable economic growth for Cyprus and the region and ensure the Center’s financial longevity.

EMME-CARE Autumn School “Analysis of aerosols, air pollution and their sources in the Eastern Mediterranean” successfully concluded

The 1st EMME-CARE Autumn School “Analysis of aerosols, air pollution and their sources in the Eastern Mediterranean” held from 31 Oct–11 Nov, 2022, has been concluded with great success!

The Autumn School took place at The Cyprus Institute’s premises in Nicosia, Cyprus and was organized by the EMME-CARE Consortium, with the support of the CyI Graduate School. It was attended by 18  students, from 7 different countries, including 2 students from countries in the Middle East.

The main aim of the Autumn School was to focus on the analysis of aerosol, greenhouse gas and air pollution data based on the long-term datasets gathered at the stations of the Cyprus Atmospheric Observatory (CAO) and other available data sets from the Eastern Mediterranean, including few short relevant lectures, giving emphasis on group work with the support of the teachers. Within this framework, the students were divided into small groups, each one having specific research questions related to the course topic. The students analyzed relevant data and at the end, they delivered a PowerPoint presentation about their analysis outcome and they submitted a written report.

The course has been organized in collaboration with the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research INAR, of the University of Helsinki, the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPIC) and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). The Autumn School was also organized within the framework of the Horizon Europe project Edu4Climate.

Successful completion of the 2nd Annual Online Workshop on Climate and Atmosphere R&I in the Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East

On the 1st November 2022, CARE-C of The Cyprus Institute with the support of its Advanced Partners: the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPIC) in Mainz, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and the University of Helsinki (UHEL), organized the 2nd Annual Online Workshop on Climate and Atmosphere R&I in the EMME.

This one-day online event gathered together the international scientific community in order to discuss the latest innovations and exchange knowhow, on the science of climate change and air pollution, as well as to highlight related challenges, impacts and potential solutions for the EMME region. Also, the workshop provided a great opportunity for networking and enhancing regional collaboration and national capacities for addressing the climate crisis.

Prof Jean Sciare, Director of CARE-C and Coordinator of EMME-CARE gave the introductory speech welcoming all the participants at the workshop. His opening speech followed by 31 oral and 18 VPICO presentations delivered by representatives of Universities, research Institutions and private companies, actively engaged on the topics of air pollution and research innovations related on climate change.

More than 300 participants from 41 different countries, including scientists, researchers, students and industry professionals in the area of research & innovation on climate change and air pollution in the EMME region, registered and participated at the workshop.

Organizers: The workshop is organized by the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (EMME-CARE) project Consortium. The EMME-CARE project established a regional Centre of Excellence (CoE) for climate and atmosphere research in EMME region, the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C), at The Cyprus Institute, supported by Advanced Partners: the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPIC) in Mainz, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and the University of Helsinki (UHEL).

For more information about the outcomes of the workshop can be found in the link below:

2nd Annual Workshop: Climate and Atmosphere Research & Innovation in the Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East | 1 November 2022 – EMME-CARE (

CARE-C of The Cyprus Institute has successfully hosted the kick-off meeting of the Edu4Climate project

On the 4th of October 2022, CARE-C of The Cyprus Institute has successfully hosted the kick-off meeting of the Edu4Climate project in Larnaca, Cyprus. The meeting brought together the partners from 6 universities, municipalities, government departments and tech companies from 6 countries to strengthen climate research, education and innovation in the East Med & Middle East as well as to further discuss about the first steps of the project and actions to be taken towards the achievement of the main objectives of the project for the establishment of a European Higher Education Institutions Network for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences.

During the project’s four-year duration, Edu4ClimAte will engage its European Partners to strengthen and align their respective Educational and Training programs in Climate and Atmosphere science, establish new impact-oriented Research Infrastructures on decarbonization and atmospheric model prediction, and co-develop innovative environmental products and services with their respective surrounding ecosystems to address climate-relevant challenges across the EMME region.

The project Edu4Climate received funding of €2 million from the European Commission’s Horizon Europe “European Excellence Initiative” (EEI) programme, to lead capacity-building actions in Cyprus and Greece, the strengthening of their Higher Education European networks and their cooperation with a specific focus on the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME).

Edu4Climate: A hub against climate change and air pollution

Andreas Stohl of the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics is part of the Consortium of a new European network for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences – Edu4Climate, which is coordinated by the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center of Excellence (CARE-C) of the Cyprus Institute. During its 4-year duration, Edu4Climate will also lead capacity-building actions.

Recognizing the urgent need to address the unfolding climate crisis, twelve Higher Education Institutions from six EU countries join forces on a European Excellence Initiative Network for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences: Within a 4-year project funded with 2 million Euros by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe coordination & Support Action (CSA) “European Excellence Initiative” (EEI) programme, Edu4Climate will establish a European Higher Education Institutions Network for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences.

Small-time window to implement solutions

It has been estimated that mankind has a relatively small-time window – if time is left at all! – in which to implement solutions to the challenge of climate change. And air quality and pollution is a problem that is evolving rapidly, too: “There are strong connections between climate change and air pollution – above all, climate forcers and air pollutants often originate from the same sources”, explains Andreas Stohl from the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics at the University of Vienna.

Climate forcers and air pollutants often originate from the same sources

“Therefore it is logical to combine the goals of limiting climate change and reducing air pollution, which is responsible for about 7 million deaths each year worldwide according to the World Health Organization”, says Stohl, who is head of VINAR, the Vienna Network of Atmospheric Research and now also part of the Edu4Climate Consortium.

During its 4-year duration, Edu4Climate will lead capacity-building actions in several European and widening countries, strengthen the Higher Education European networks and their cooperation with surrounding national ecosystems and foster research & innovation activities to address challenges relating to air pollution and climate change. “This will be done also in support of the EU Green Deal, and with a specific focus on the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East”, explains Stohl.

Global climate change “hotspot”

The Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region (EMME), a region within and surrounding the EU, is experiencing rapid population growth, has a complex socio-political landscape and has been recognized as a global climate change “hotspot”. As such, the EMME region holds strategic significance for the success of EU and global climate efforts to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. “It is therefore important to understand both the sources of climate forcers in this region, as well as the processes leading to climate change there, especially also considering extreme events”, adds Stohl.

Edu4ClimAte will engage Advanced European Partners to strengthen the scientific excellence of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from twin islands of sister countries (Greece, Cyprus) with a view to establish a “regional hub of knowledge” in air pollution and climate change research and innovative solutions, engaging their respective surrounding ecosystems from the quadruple helix in addressing societal challenges over the wider EMME.

About the project

  • Founding: European Commission’s Horizon Europe Coordination & Support Action (CSA) “European Excellence Initiative” (EEI) programme (under grant agreement no. 101071247)
  • Lead: The Cyprus Institute
  • PI Univie: Andreas Stohl
  • Project title: European Higher Education Institutions Network for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences (Edu4ClimAte)
  • Project start date: 1 October 2022
  • Project duration: 4 years

European Excellence Initiative Network for Climate & Atmospheric Sciences

The Cyprus Institute’s (CyI) Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) successfully led a strategic proposal for the establishment of a European Higher Education Institutions Network for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences through the Edu4Climate project.

Edu4Climate received funding of €2 million from the European Commission’s Horizon Europe “European Excellence Initiative” (EEI) programme, to lead capacity-building actions in Cyprus and Greece, the strengthening of their Higher Education European networks and their cooperation with surrounding national ecosystems, on research & innovation activities to address challenges relating to air pollution and climate change in support of the EU Green Deal, with a specific focus on the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME). The EMME is a region within and surrounding the EU, that has been recognized as a global climate change “hotspot”, and as such, it holds strategic significance for the success of EU and global climate efforts to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. Recognizing the urgent need to address the unfolding climate crisis, Edu4Climate will work towards forming a European Universities Alliance that will act as a regional hub to advance scientific knowledge and develop innovative climate solutions.  

To achieve its ambitious objectives, the Edu4Climate Consortium brings together twelve (12) Partners from six (6) EU countries – Cyprus, Greece, France, Austria, Finland and Germany. In addition to CyI’s CARE-C, which is acting as the Coordinator, this includes the following Higher Education Institutions: the University of Crete (Greece), Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France), Universität Wien (Austria), the University of Helsinki (Finland) and the University of Bremen (Germany); Public bodies, the Department of Labour Inspection (DLI) of the Cyprus Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance, the Municipality of Aglantzia (Cyprus) and the Municipality of Agios Nikolaos (Greece); and SMEs Raymetrics (Greece), ADITESS Ltd (Cyprus) and Altus Ltd (Greece). The Consortium also takes advantage of the scientific regional networks of CARE-C in the EMME region.

Starting in October 2022, and during the project’s four-year duration, Edu4ClimAte will engage its European Partners to strengthen and align their respective Educational and Training programs in Climate and Atmosphere science, establish new impact-oriented Research Infrastructures on decarbonization and atmospheric model prediction, and co-develop innovative environmental products and services with their respective surrounding ecosystems to address climate-relevant challenges across the EMME region. Edu4ClimAte will enhance local, regional, and international clusters led by its consortium to build the foundations for an inclusive European Universities Alliance in Climate & Atmospheric Sciences to support the EU Green Deal ambition and its regional challenges, as well as train and educate the next generation of researchers and innovators to achieve the EU long-term 2050 climate-neutrality objectives.